

Russell Hall is to be torn down. This may bring a transient discontent to graduates with sentimental recollections and to architects with the task of harmonizing the conglomerate Adams House, but it will be welcome news to the undergraduates. Nevertheless, the suggestion is rather too tardy to be met with whole-hearted approval. A little forethought could have prevented the architectural melee that now exists. Russell could have been torn down at an earlier time and a more symmetrical building erected on the ground between Westmorly and Plympton Street. But any change is desirable for the dormitory is neither comely without nor comfortable within. It lacks the beauty and luxury that is so apparent in Dunster and Lowell. The decision of the President, made possible by the generosity of Mr. Harkness, will do much to make Adams more attractive to the undergraduates and to fulfill the purpose for which the Houses were created.
