Russell Hall will be torn down during the summer of 1931 and a new building erected on its site, to complete the dormitory space of Adams House, it was announced at University Hall yesterday. These changes in the original plans are made possible by the further generosity of Mr. Edward S. Harkness.
During the academic year 1931-32 the number of residents to be accommodated by Adams House will be temporarily reduced by these operations to 186, but the new building will hold approximately the same number of men which would have been housed by Russell Hall, so that in succeeding years the numbers living in Adams House will be brought up to 239.
Plans for the new hall have not advanced to the point where its appearance or arrangement may be described. Its exterior is expected, however, to resemble Westmorly and Randolph Halls. The interior fittings will follow closely those in Lowell and Dunster.
As the work of tearing down Russell Hall will begin immediately after the close of the College year, it is hoped that the steel and brick work on the new building may be completed by October 1, so that only the work of completing the interior will remain to be done during the next academic year.
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