

Will Give Talks on Modern Russian Economic Situations--Communism to Fight in "Fluid East"

Dr. Bruce C. Hopper, lecturer on International Relations at Harvard University, will give the second of his series of public lectures at the Lowell Institute of Boston, tomorrow. Dr., Hopper, who was the representative in Russia of the Institute of Current World Affairs during the years 1926-29, gave his first lecture last Tuesday, January 6, entitled. "Soviet Russia after 13 Years."

In the lecture he emphasized the point that the question of communism versus capitalism will be fought out neither in Europe nor in America, but in "the fluid East, our greatest potential market." He went on to discuss the economic contrast between the United States and the European nations, describing it as a contrast in standards of living, in which the higher standards set in America make for greater economic soundness.

The following is the list of lectures which Dr. Hopper plans to give this winter: on Friday, January 9. "Revolt and Reform under the Tsars; the Revolution and new remedies": on Tuesday, January 13. "The Political Side of the Problem: the state, the communist party, the soviet government"; on Friday, January 16. "The Economic Side (A); the soviet system, and socialization in agriculture, industry, and trade"; on Tuesday, January 20. "The Economic Side (B): centralized economic control, state planning, methods of financing the socialistic transformation"; on Friday, January 23. "The Economic Side (C); industrialization of an agricultural country, difficulties of training personnel": on Tuesday, January 27, "The Human Side: life culture, and health under the soviet regime; on Friday, January 30. "The Issue; socialism or capitalism; world revolution, compromise, or status quo".
