

The winter speakers at the Harvard Union, including Cannon. Dimnet, and Bruce Bairnsfather, have so far been exceptionally prominent. George W. Russell, 'AE', who spoke here some years ago, will doubtless provide one of the more amusing evenings of the year. One who is interested in such varied fields as painting, poetry, sociology, and agriculture, besides being an ardent patriot of the Free State, is naturally an interesting speaker. Russell's charming Irish wit attracts not only those who seek to be amused but also those intellectuals who appreciate "AE" as the man who, along with Yeats, was a leader of the Irish Renaissance. His flowing beard and imposing personality might suggest to many that he was the "Walt Whitman of Iceland." Different as the poetry of the two men is, they both have much the same magnetism and appeal. Many who are already becoming bored with too much reading period in Widener may well find some worthwhile diversion tonight on the other side of Quincy Street.
