When examinations had been stressed at lunch to the exclusion of all intelligent conversation, the Vagabond yesterday left a petition at University Hall to have them abolished. It is time that something of the sort is done. These biannual excitations inducing a kind of subsidiary froth are naturally abhorrent to the epicure of food and talk. Dishonoring the tolerant muse of wisdom with such mental debauchery can be endured in silence; but the gibberings of the Bereaved One of Mt. Auburn St. should not be allowed to interfere with digestion.
Whereas these raw gobbets and undigested morsels of knowledge floated by this too sudden immerston in the Pierian Springs are unpleasant to see hartily regurgitated over a cup of coffee. Whereas a three hour examination can only serve to uncover the lack of knowledge rather than its presence. Wheres these examinations are thus only methods to jam the wind-pipes of the unwilling. Whereas the resulting mental dyspopsis has never yet produced a Carlyle and Whereas, dyspopsis or no dyspopsis, everyone is pretty well fed up: the Vagabond hereby inaugurates his first active crusade. The Examination must go. Alone he can do nothing. As a Gandhiary incendiary, this pinch of salt would more to smiles, not action. Yet speed is necessary, for the Blue Abomination already has Athena by the throat.
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