
The Crimson Playgoer

Tropical Passions are Anything But Scorching, While "Sunny" Perishes of Cold

"Renegades" does not head the bill at the University this half week. A Picture by the name of "Sunny", with one Marilyn Miller in the cast is put on as the feature production but it takes more than one miller to separate the chaff from the wheat.

The first shot in what we term the feature picture is that of the same fort that was used in Beau Geste several years ago. That is the movies subtle way of indicating that "Renegades" is a Foreign Legion pictures and, that Foreign Legion pictures are their big forte. But then, it's all done in geste.

As all movie goers know, deserters get their desserts in the desert and that is exactly what happens here. Four men, whose names we did not get because of an impediment in the speech of the captain (but whom, for purposes of clearness here, we will call Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) are cast into the Fleming furnace but Victor tries in vain to be the king of Glory. This is the plot.

Daniel (Warner Raxter) is frequently heard above the den and it is he who leads a German, a Russian, and a Hobokenknight to desertion and subsequent traitorism. For all of this we are indebted to the exotic French seductress (Myrna Loy). She meets one of the comrades, an Russian, Abednego. But then, she never comes over to Meshach.
