German 35 hf.--History of the German Drama
Fine Arts 8a hf.--Theory of Design
French 5 hf--French Composition
French 10--The Social Background of French Literature (To be emitted during second half year)
Mathematica 36 hf.--Potential Function (Advanced Course)
History 52a hf.--History of the Catholic Church from the Council of Trent to Modern Times.
Economics 33b hf.--Unemployment
Government 26 hf.--Problems of the Modern State The Administrative Process.
Philesophy 12d hf.--The Sceptics and Academy, Stoics and Rpicureans.
Philisophy 13 hf--Descartes and Letbuis
Social Ethics 6 hf.--Social Insurance
Social Ethics 26 hf.--Methods of Social Roscarch.
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