Now that the wrangling Senate has almost spent itself on unemployment. It sees that unless the administration is to be left in peace, some other question must be found on which to cast aspersions at the President. Accordingly; the Wickersham report has been welcomed with enthusiasm ill-disguised by denunciation. The commission is accused of being influenced by Hoover. When Chairman Wickersham says that this is not the case, his honesty is questioned. The report, which it seems quite clear will antagonize both wets and drys is called a dirty political move on the part of the President.
In short, the Senate is finding it very easy to criticize, now that the work has been done. It is interesting to consider what sort of report a commission composed of wet and dry Senators could bring forth. Judging by the recent temper of the Senate, one might surmise that the discussion would consist of pugilism and the results would be a knockout.
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