On Friday, March 6, and Saturday March 7, the Fourth annual League of Nations Model Assembly Council of New England Colleges will convene at Wellesley College. The meeting this year is to be more complex in organization than any of the preceding ones, which were chiefly preparatory in scope.
As a prelude to the meeting next March an important council was held in a room of Dunster House on Sunday, January 11, at which time the final plans for the organization of the coming event were decided upon, the results of which were not disclosed until yesterday evening when the complete agenda for the commissions and for the assembly were announced including the official appointment of the officers in charge of the six commissions.
The six commissions which have been appointed to report at the coming conference will be as follows: a committee to investigate the possibilities of an European federation; a commission to investigate intellectual cooperation; the Permanent Mandates commission, headed by W.R. Furlong '33, and D. H. Popper '32; an assembly commission appointed to investigate the possibilities of creating a permanent minorities commission; the opium commission; and a committee to investigate the feasibility of bringing the Bank of International Settlements into closer coordination with the League of Nations.
The League of Nations Model Assembly Council of New England Colleges is an informal and self-perpetuating organization whose activities are limited to the arrangement of an annual model convention of the League of Nations.
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