
In the Graduate Schools

Dr, Losch Gives Today's Address Over Station WEEI at 5 O'Clock

The importance of taking care of the baby teeth is the subject of the second series of broadcasts being given by the Harvard Dental School Radio Clinic over Station WEEI, which started January 6. These talks follow regularly on Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 o'clock over station WEEI.

The speakers for the second series will be Dr L. W. Baker, professor of orthodontia: Dr. E. A. Tisdale, instructor in orthodontia: Dr. P. K. Losch, assistant in operative dentistry; and Dean L. M. S. Miner from the Harvard Dental School staff: and Dr. D. A. Thom, director of the division of mental hygiene. Massachusetts department of mental diseases: Miss R. L. White, chief of dietetics. Forsyth Dental Infirmary for Children: and Dr. C. F. Wilinsky, Director of the Beth Israel Hospital, as guests speakers.

Dr. Tisdale opened the series on January 6 with a description of how the teeth and jaws of the very young child develop. Dr. Baker, speaking on January 9, described what the orthodontist can do to prevent the development of crooked teeth and jaws. Dr. Losch today will emphasize the importance of taking care of the baby teeth as a means of preventing more serious trouble in later life. Miss White on Friday will tell what foods should be eaten to build strong teeth and develop the jaws. Dr. Thom on January 20 will talk about habits in young children as they affect the growth of the teeth. Dean Miner on January 23 will tell what will happen to children if the advice given in the preceding talks is not followed. Dr. Wilinsky on January 27 will show how necessary dental treatment is at this time as a means of preventing general diseases and of helping the physician maintain health in the young child.
