Vernon Munroe Jr. '31, president of the 1930-31 Harvard Student Council, will outline an active program for that body when it assembles tonight for the initial meeting of the year. Although committees of the Council have been busy ever since the opening of College, this will be the first meeting of the entire group.
The work which lies ahead of the Council this year differs somewhat from that which has confronted past groups. The institution of the House Plan will create new problems for the Council, and it is expected that tonight's meeting will see a start toward fitting the group so that it may serve better as intermediary body between facutly and undergraduates.
At tonight's meeting Henry Chalfant Jr. '31, treasurer of the Council, will report on the status thus far of the Budget pledges; W. B. Wood Jr. '32, Chairman of the Student Council Committee on Freshman Affairs and M. W. Stearns '31, Chairman of the Advisory Committee, will report.
The present council already has one official recommendation to its credit, from the last meeting of the year 1929-30. At that time the group urged the employment by the University of a coach for the golf team, beginning with this year's season. It was felt that, despite the fact that Harvard's golf teams have shown remarkable ability, better results could be secured if the team had the attention of a professional coach.