

No Change in Line Since Guard Will Not Return--Two Scrimmages, One With 1934, This Week

The first blow dealt the Harvard football forces via injuries occurred yesterday when it became known that G. N. Talbot '32, veteran guard, who was injured about ten days ago was definitely out of the opening game with Vermont on Saturday.

Talbot suffered an injury to his leg in one of the first scrimmages but was expected to be in shape by the time the opening game rolled around. The bruise has not responded to treatment as rapidly as was expected, however, and yesterday it became-known that he would have to view the first tilt from the sidelines. All the other men now on the hospital list are expected to be in togs when the opening whistle blows.

With Talbot out it seems fairly certain that the lineups will remain as they have been for the past week. Richards is taking Talbot's place at guard with Myerson filling in the place that Richards vacated at tackle. Trainer and Kales will probably hold down the other guard and tackle posts, respectively, with Ticknor at center and Harding and Ogden at the ends. Either one of the two backfields will start intact.

Vermont made its 1930 bow on Saturday by taking a 34 to 6 drubbing at the hands of Amherst. Although Harvard was of course always the favorite, this score seems to indicate that the game might very well turn into a rout.

Practices will be held the first four days of this week with a rest scheduled for Friday. Scrimmages will probably be held today and Wednesday, when Coach French brings his Freshmen into the Stadium for a tussle.
