Make-up examinations in all subjects begin today at 2 o'clock in Harvard 2 and will continue until Wednesday, October S. A fee of $3.00 for each examination which the student has been authorized to take will be included in the student's term bill. The examinations will last three hours.
Following is the schedule:
Monday, September 29
Chemistry 22, Chemistry 33, Comp. Literature 22, Comp. Literature 42b, Economics 1b, Economics 7b, Economics 11, English 41, Geography 1, Mathematics CL. Mathematics 3
Wednesday, October 1
Economics A. Economics 31, English A3, English 3b, English 11b, English 33, French 10, German A. German C. German 1b, Government 6, Government 13b, Government 18b, Italian 1
Friday, October 3
Cl Archaeology 1b, Chemistry A. Chemistry 14, Economics 39, English 37, English 30b, Government 1 Latin B, Latin S. Philosophy 3a, Philosophy 12c. Physics B. Spanish 2.
Monday, October 6
Biology A. Botany 1, English 61, English 72, Fine Arts 1d Fine Arts 2e, History 1, History 13, History 19, Philosophy 2, Psychology A. Psychology 18, Social Ethics A.
Wednesday, October 8
English 33, French A. French 1, French 2, History 37, History 69, Military Science 1, Music 4, Music 6, Naval Science 3, Slavic 6, Zoology 4.
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