


Coach A. E. French '29, mentor of the Harvard Freshman team cut his unwieldy squad of 200 men down to 70 on Saturday preparatory to beginning the second week of work with the 1934 team today. Coach French has had one of the largest Freshman squads in recent years out during the past week, but has not gotten down to serious work because of the large number of men with which he had to work.

The seventy remaining men will be whipped into shape for a scrimmage with the University team on Wednesday after which the seventy will be cut down to 45. The squad will remain at this size throughout the year, keeping the same men, except for minor shifts from the class teams.

The seventy men retained are as follows:

Ends: L. Baldwin, F. Crocker, J. Field, R. Greene, J. Hayes, Jr., J. Himes, S. Housen, C. Jackson, C. Kirkland, J. Lee, Jr., R. Lowe, J. Paul, J. Potter, K. Sanger, T. Whipple, W. White, Jr.

Tackles: A. Choate, Jr., J. Cullen, J. Healey, Jr., D. Kopans, L. Loring, Jr., A. Richardson, E. Rogers, G. Scott, Jr., B. Simmons, J. Walcott.


Guards: R. Buch, C. Burbank, F. Cary, A. Cook, W. DeVive, T. Downes, L. Dunton, Jr., E. Fowle, Jr., R. Lawrence, Jr., E. Little, A. Murphy, T. Nazro, E. Schwab, Jr.

Centers: W. Casey, F. Crane, R. Frazier, A. Koch, Jr., J. Lockwood, L. McCabe, C. Ware.

Backs: A. Barrett, B. Beale, D. Cheek, H. Churchill, G. Clapp, H. Clees, W. Cudahy, J. Dean, J. Ferriter, A. Ferry, J. Flanders, W. Gibson, P. deGive, F. Gleason, W. Hatch, R. Hurlbut, H. Lawn, T Lupien, K. Martin, Jr., K. Mayse, C. Novin, C. Pescosolido, D. Peter, I. Rabinovitz, J. Strong, J. Ware, Jr., N. Ware, R. Waters, Jr., J. Weekes, S. Whitney, Jr.

After one week of practice Coach David Guarnaccia '29 has cut his squad of aspirants for the 150 pound football team. The first cut was merely a preliminary, 77 still being retained.

The following were retained

Adams, Adler, Archibald, Armstrong Atkinson, Balzerm, H. Barren Batch Bates Beech Brooks, H. F. Brown, P. H. Brown, Burmard, Channcey Chever Claff, W. Clark, Cenant.

Deuseper Domesek Dunham Dunstan, Dearborn Flting, Farlow Faulk man, Fishman, Fraley Goss Grandin, Graves, B. Greenburg, Greeley, Haley, Harley, Hibbard, Bigman Holden, Horwitz Hunting, Informuster, Jasman, P. O. Johnson, Johnson.

Keville, Lifehitz, Livermore, Madden, Mauduleg, Mansfield McCarron, McTigue, Mellen Murphy Narley Neff, Noves Pemberton, Pharr, Powell, Rorty, Rowell, Sapnemo Sedgewick, Shepherd, Sommers, Souffer, Sprague Plfelder, Wadsworth, C. Y. Wadsworth Warner Watson, White Winkissham.
