Trials for the Harvard University orchestra, or the Pierian Sodality of 1808, will be held in the Pierian room of the Harvard music building at 7.30 o'clock on Tuesday evening, September 30, and at the same time on Thursday, October 1. These trials are open to all members of the University who are interested in playing classical music, and are to be under the direction of G. W. Woodworth '24, conductor of the orchestra.
The University orchestra is made up entirely of students in Harvard whose interest runs more to the classics than to popular music, and has the same standing in relation to the college as other outside organizations. Members of the orchestra who play regularly for one year are entitled to regular membership in the Pierian Sodality of 1808, which is a small group of elected men who organize and direct the activities of the orchestra itself. In the season of 1929-1930 about fifty men played regularly, a large increase in membership over former years. There is full symphony orchestration at all times, and this is the only Harvard organization in which men have an opportunity to work on the best orchestral music and present it at concerts.
G. W. Woodworth '24, conductor of the orchestra and an instructor and tutor in the division of music in the University, has given much to the group during the season of 1929-1930, and is prepared to offer varied programs of music at the different concerts which will be scheduled for the coming season. Several concerts will be given in the vicinity of Cambridge and Boston and arrangements are being made to have a concert at the Union before Christmas. Later in the year a program will be presented at Brattle Hall followed by a dance, the music for which will be furnished by members selected from the University Orchestra.
Another competition for assistant manager will open the same time as the orchestra competition, and is also open to all members of the University. Duties will consist mostly of assisting in arranging concerts and general routine work.
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