A meeting of candidates on Monday at 7 o'clock in Beck Hall 3 for assistant manager of the Harvard Instrumental Clubs will open the activities of the organization for the season 1930-31. Freshmen and Sophomores are eligible to compete for the position. Awards will be made at the end of six weeks.
Two positions are to be filled and the first place winner will be permitted to accompany the club on the Christmas vacation tour. As is the custom each year, the Instrumental Clubs make an extensive concert tour during the Christmas recess, visiting several large eastern and mid-western cities where they are entertained by prominent Harvard alumni after their concerts.
Tryouts for the musical end of the society will take place on October 7 and 8. A heavy program is being formulated at the present time and the exact schedule is to be announced at a later date. Several new members are necessary to assure a successful season. The first concert is to take place in Cambridge if adequate accommodations can be procured.
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