
In the Graduate Schools

Well Known Men in City Planning Will Address Class

At the school of city planning this year, a course in the theory of city planning, City Planning 10a is to be offered again, at which well known men in city planning from all over the country will talk.

Men from the school of engineering and the school of landscape are signed up for the course. Arthur Comey '07 will be in charge of the handling of the course and putting it together, while each week a different man in authority on city planning will speak.

On Wednesday, Lawson Purdy of New York, will talk on "Social Betterment. The Aim of City Planning". Purdy is past president of the National Conference on City planning, past president of the National Municipal League, and Secretary of the Commission to revise the New York tenement house laws. He has held offices in many other civic betterment organizations and is well known as a tax expert and social worker.

This is the second year that the school of city planning has existed and it has an enrolment of seven students.
