The newly organized "University A. A." football team composed largely of Harvard gridiron luminaries of the past three years, will enter upon a weekly Sunday schedule this week, when if faces the Lexington Town Team eleven. The clash is stated for 2.30 o'clock next Sunday at Russell Field, North Cambridge:
T. W. Gilligan '31, J. P. Crosby '28, David Guarnaccin '29, and H. W. Burns '28 are the colorful quartet who will comprise the backfield of the "University A. A.", a semiprofessional team, throughout the fall. R. H. O'Connell '30 and F. A. Pickard '29 are the two wingment and other Harvard stars of former days who are on the roster of the "University A. A." are: J. C. Prtor '29, H. L. Lovin '29, D. C. Shaw '29, and C. M. Lindner '27.
Besides having Harvard players the team also has Harvard coaches and both Coaches Casey and Dunne of the University team will be on hand Sunday to see that everything runs right.
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