

Comes from British Museum as Fourth Incumbnet-Vermeil, Schouten Come from France

The complete list of the twelve distinguished professors, three from England, eight from the Continent, and one from China, who will be visiting lecturers at Harvard during the present year was made public at University Hall yesterday.

Arthur Mayger Hind, of the British Museum, comes for the entire year as the Charles Ellot Norton Professor of Poetry." He is the Fourth incumbent of the chair, which was first held by Professor Gilbert Murray of Oxford University. Hind was from 1921 to 1927 Siade Professor of Fine Arts in the University of Oxford. During the war the served in France with the rank of major, receiving the Order of the British Empire. He is known in England for his critical works on paintings and engravings, and is him self a landscape painter.

Oliver Elton, professor emeritus at the University of Liverpool will serve as visiting lecturer on English for the present academic year. Elton, who taught at Harvard from February to June, 1926, has chosen as his subject 'Poetics and Literary Criticism". Ivor Armstrong Richards, Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge, England, and visiting lecturer on English for the second half year, served in the same capacity at Tsing Hua University, Pekin, in 1929.

Professor Adolph Goldschmidt, who come from the University of Berlin as the first incumbent of the Kuno Francke chair, for the first half year, lectured at Harvard during 1927-28. The chair was founded in the fall of 1929 by a group of ten donors in honor of Professor Francke.

Alois Schumpeter, professor of political economy in the University of Bonn will conduct courses known as "Economic Trends and Fluctuations" and "Problems in Economic Theory". After the war Schumpeter was finance minister of Austria. Associate Professor Karl Menger of the University of Vienna, who will give courses during the first half year in "Metrical, Geometry" and a "Theory of Dimensions", delivered during the past summer a symposium on his theory of dimensions at the meeting of the German Mathemetical Society at Koenigsburg.


Norway is represented by Professor Halvdan Koht of the University of Oslo, who will give one course open to both undergraduates and graduates, in the social and political history of Scandinavia, and a course primarily for graduates on "Evolutionary Forces in History". Koht has served in the Norwegian parliament. From France will come Andre Leconte as professor of Architecture and Edmond Joachim Vermell, professor of German Literature at the University of Strasbourg, both to serve during the second half year. Jan Arnoldus Schouten, professor in the Technische Hooge school of Delft, who will lecture on Mathematics during the first half year, is one of the foremost Dutch geometers.

Phillip de Vargas, professor or History in Yenching University, will come to Harvard during the second half year as lecturer on Chinese, and will conduct courses on "The History of the Far East since 1783" and "The Cultural Renais sance in China". Dr. Ernet Opik, who will lecture on Astro-physics during the year 1930-31, is well known for studies in meteora and the evolution of stars, made at the Astronomical Observatory in Tariu, Esthonia.
