The death of Kuno Francke this summer robbed Harvard of one of her most faithful and able scholars. The opportunities for the study of Germanic art and culture which the University now offers are largely the result of his devotion and industry. When Professor Francke first came here at the end of the last century he found a small department whose rauge was necessarily limited. Throughout the succeeding years, in various capacities, he labored patiently to stimulate a study and appreciation of the nation he knew and loved so well.
At a time when America looked upon Germany with hostility and spoke much of the cruelty of Prussian militarism, he struggled to bring about a more perfect understanding and to introduce into America something of the beauty of the German civilization. When he died he left, fortunately, something more than a respected memory behind.
It was largely due to Francke that the Germanic Museum of the University was faultded. He realized the need for an institution through which students could come into closer contact with German art and culture than is offered by lectures and reading alone. This idea for warded by Professor Francke and sponsored by such men as Adolphus Busch has made possible the museum that Harvard has today.
It is fitting that a man who labored throughout his long and fruitful life to instill in Americans a true understanding and affection for his native land should leave behind him a monument which will continue the good works of his lifetime.
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