

Undergraduates, Tutors Will Form Board--Committee Asks Extension of Meal Hours

Activities in Dunster House were officially considered by the Student Committee in the House for the first time this year at a meeting held yesterday afternoon. At that time the committee meeting with Professor C. N. Greenough '98, Master, and R. G. Noyes, Head Tutor, considered several matters involving the efficient organization of House activities.

Following the preliminary discussion, the committee considered in some detail the problems which were presented. Verhen Munroe Jr. '31, was named chairman, with T. N. Perkins Jr. '31, as secretary. The remaining members of the committee are P. M. Sweezy '31, W. B. Wood Jr., '32, R. N. Clark Jr., '22, and Robert Saltonstall '33.

Recommendations Formed

It commendations were formed for admission to the Master and Head Tutor Chief among these was the decision to appoint a House Library committee, consisting of five undergraduates and three tutors, which will assist in the management of the House Library. The Library, which is already open for use by members of the House during the day, will consist of about 5000 volumes at first, with provision for growth to an ultimate size of over 20,000 volumes. Besides the main room, which has shelves for about 5000 books, there is a stack room large enough to hold 4000 more. Each department of study is provided with a library of works which cover practically all of the reading which will be required during the year in College courses.

Change of Meal Hours


The committee also recommended that hours for breakfast be extended from the present schedule of 7.30 to 9 o'clock to 7.30 to 9.30 o'clock. Extension of the closing hours for dinner from 7 to 7.30 o'clock was also urged.

The committee requested that directories of students be posted in each entry, and that complete lists of the House membership also be printed, for posting in the building.

Several minor matters, such as lettering each entry for convenience in locating them, were discussed, and recommendations made to be submitted to the Master for his consideration.

Discussion of inter-House athletics was deferred to a later date, when more definite plans can be laid. Until the completion and occupation of all seven Houses no intramural athletic contests will be arranged.
