Following is the speech delivered yesterday evening in the Living Room of the Harvard Union by Gaspar G. Bacon, president of the Massachusetts Senate, before the assembled Class of 1934. President Lowell and Dean A. C. Hanford also spoke.
Members of the Class of 1934:
I am very happy to have this opportunity to add a word of welcome to the Freshman Class. You are about to join the company and share in the associations and traditions of a great University. You have put away childish things; you have graduated from the nurse strings of school rules and regulations, of a perscribed existence, of standardized thought. You have been thrust into a larger, freer atmosphere, in which your career and your conduct, your success or failure, will rest largely in your own hands.
I come here not to attempt to offer anything new, and least of all to deliver a lecture, but to try to help you tackle the problems and appreciate the opportunities of a college education.
Here in this hall are more than one thousand men, having come to Harvard from all over the United States, men of different capacities, aspirations and beliefs, having had different advantages and different experiences, all entering the University presumably for a purpose. In some cases the purpose is a very vague one--to get a general education to fit one for a life of which he knows little or nothing; in others, the field is starred and the student is looking for special preparation. In those who have no serious purpose, but who look upon college as a place merely to have a good time, we are not particularly interested, for after the mid-year examinations, they will probably have fallen by the wayside.
Why College Education?
What, then, is the primary object of a college education? "It is," says President Hibben of Princeton, "to fit each student most adequately to perform his proper functions as an essential part of the social structure in which he is to live and move and have his being." It is, is it not, to equip young men to play their full part in the life of their several communities, to give them a keener appreciation of the duties of citizenship, to enable them to contribute something of value to the well-being of their fellowmen. It teaches the obligations of service. It involves a point of view directly opposite to that held by the coal-miner of Pennsylvania, who, with great sacrifice to himself and family, sent his son to one of our universities. When asked by a friend the reason for so doing, he replied: "I am determined to give him every advantage of an education in order that when he finishes college he may be able to look every man in the face and tell him to go to Hell."
Mistaken Notion
This coal-miner had a mistaken notion of man's true relation to the society of which he is a part. The more advantages one has the greater the duty to use them for the good of others. Alexander Hamilton sincerely believed in the necessity of entrusting the government only to men of education and tradition, men of the so-called aristocracy of those days. Any such conception is of course contrary to our principles of equality, but, says President Hibben, "the spirit of a true aristocracy of service should characterize all who, through the privileges of university training, have been particularly equipped in mind and in character for the duties of citizenship." The familiar phrase "noblesse oblige" implies that there is for those of superior calibre, those who have had opportunities greater than the average, a code which exacts loftier conduct than the ordinary code requires.
Harvard endeavors to present to her students a wide field of opportunity, to teach them not facts or formulas, but to endow them with the power to think for themselves, to enable them to discriminate between that which is essential and that which is non-essential, and to reach independent judgments. Justice Holmes has said that education "is not the acquisition of facts, but learning how to make facts live."
This is a great liberal institution. It numbers in its faculty men of diverse tendencies. With some of them I hope you will disagree. No attempt will be made to force upon you the views of any particular person or group. It is not the function of the faculty to dictate to the students. Harvard asks no blind subservience to the doctrines of any man. She bespeaks tolerance and fair play and respect for the sincere opinion of others. She frowns upon all narrow-ness; she resents the imputation of unworthy motives to those from whom we may happen to differ. Her motto is truth. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
To fit men for useful service in the world, then, is Harvard's goal; to equip them with the faculties necessary to stand on their own feet, to fight the battle of life, to meet unexpected situations, to overcome obstacles that are regarded as insurmountable. Someone defined education as "what remains behind when you have forgotten all that you have learned." What is it that remains behind? It is your ability to think, to diagnose, your creating power, your will, your ability to concentrate, your mental equipment gained from training, study, and experience.
No Expedient
Someone once said: "There is no expedient to which man will not resort to avoid the real labor of thinking." Is not this to some extent true? Opinions on public questions are manufactured for us by the various organs of propaganda; information is served up in capsule form; we prefer summaries rather than substance; there are so many diversions to occupy us that we have little time for anything.
Our complex life, however, affords that much greater opportunity to the individual who has acquired the capacity to think. He will be sought after, for the people want to be led. There is so much loose talk, foggy thinking, agitation for reform, partisanship and prejudice that he who can demonstrate the qualities of discernment, sincerity and courage will soon take his place as a leader in the community. The people need guidance. The average person has neither the time, the inclination, nor the ability to form a fair judgment on the thousands of questions and candidates constantly before them. They must necessarily rely on those in whom they have confidence.
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