With registration completed yesterday, the Class of 1934 will this morning begin a full program which will keep it occupied throughout the remainder of the weekend. At 9 o'clock this morning, the new students will assemble in the New Lecture Hall for the general introductory meeting which has for years preceded active work in the College.
At that time the first year men will hear several speakers, who will discuss various phases of Freshman affairs. Delmar Leighton '19, Secretary of the Committee on the Choice of Electives, and Tutor in the Division of History, Government, and Economics, will discuss the choice of studies for the Freshman Year. He will be followed by Walter B. Briggs, Assistant Librarian of the Harvard College Library, who will speak on the Library Facilities of the University. The third speaker will be E. A. Whitney '17, Assistant Professor of History and Literature, speaking on the Lecture Course.
This meeting, which will consume slightly over one hour of the morning, is all that is scheduled for the day; the next assembly of the class will take place at 7.30 o'clock tonight at the Union. At this time W. J. Bingham '16, Director of Athletics, Arnold Horween '21, Head Football Coach, and B. H. Ticknor II '31, captain of the 1930 football team, will address the meeting, which will be extremely informal. The topic of the evening will be Athletics and Physical Education at Harvard, when the new men will be given an opportunity to learn about the facilities offered them in the University for indulgence in any sport they may wish. The moving-picture reel of Harvard athletics will be shown at this meeting.
The first services in Appleton Chapel will be held tomorrow morning with Alfred Ernest Stearns, principal of Phillips Academy, Andover, in charge. The service will be a special one for the new students, beginning at the regular hour of 11 o'clock.
On Monday morning at 8.45 o'clock C. H. Moore '89, Pope Professor of Latin and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, will speak at a 15-minute service in Appleton Chapel, the first of the daily programs which will continue throughout the year. Various members of the University faculty will, during the first and third weeks, speak at these fifteen-minute services.
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Appleton Chapel