
Eminent Theologians Among Those Who Will Conduct Appleton Services This Semester--Complete List Announced

The complete list of preachers who will conduct the Sunday services and the daily prayers in Appleton Chapel during the first half of this year was announced by the Board of Preachers of the University of which Dean Willard L. Sperry, Dean of the Andover Theological School, is chairman.

Sunday morning services are regularly held at 11 o'clock every Sunday during the school year and the daily prayers are conducted at 8.45 o'clock every morning except Sunday. All services are voluntary, the daily morning services being open only to members of the University but the Sunday services being open to the general public as well. In the Sunday services seats are reserved for students on the south side of the middle aisle.

The remaining members of the Board of Preachers are the Rev. Charles E. Park, the Rev. Frederick May Eliot, the Rev. Philemon F. Sturges, the Rev. John R. P. Sclater, and President Clarence A. Barbour of Brown University. The Rev. Thomas J. Harris is Adviser in Religion and Archibald T. Davison is the organist and choirmaster.

Following is the list of the Sunday morning preachers:

Sept., 21, Principal Alfred E. Stearns, Phillips Andover Academy, Andover, Mass.; Sept. 28, Dean Willard L. Sperry, Harvard University; Oct. 5, Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, Boston, Mass.; Oct. 12, Rev. Frederick M. Eliot, Unity Church, St. Paul, Minn.; Oct. 19, Rev. Frederick M. Eliot; Oct. 26, Very Rev. Philemon F. Sturges, The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Boston, Mass.; Nov. 2, Dean Willard L. Sperry; Nov. 9, Rev. Charles E. Park, First Church in Boston, Boston, Mass.; Nov. 16, Rev. Charles R. Brown, New Haven, Conn.; Nov. 23, Rev. Ernest F. Tittle, First Methodist Episcopal Church, Evanston, Ill.


Nov. 30, Rev. Palfrey Perkins, First Unitarian Church, Buffalo, N. Y.; Dec. 7, Dean Willard L. Sperry; Dec. 14, Rev. Prof. Harry E. Fosdick, Minister of The Riverside Church, New York, N. Y.; Dec. 21, Rev. Prof. Howard Chandler Robbins, General Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y.; Dec. 28, Rev. Thomas L. Harris, Harvard University; Jan. 4, Dean Willard L. Sperry; Jan. 11, Very Rev. Philemon F. Sturges; Jan. 18, Rev. Albert B. Cohoe, First Raptist Church, Montclair, N. J.; Jan. 25, Rev. J. R. P. Sclater, Old St. Andrew's Church, Toronto, Canada; Feb. 1, President Clarence A. Barbour, Brown University, Providence, R. I.

The men who will conduct the daily prayers are the following:

Sept. 20, Rev. Thomas L. Harris; Sept. 22, Dean C. H. Moore; Sept. 23, President A. Lawrence Lowell; Sept. 24, Dean Roscoe Pound; Sept. 25, Professor A. N. Whitehead; Sept. 26, Professor J. H. Beale; Sept. 27, Dean Henry W. Holmes; Sept. 29, Dean Willard L. Sperry; Sept. 30, Rev. Thomas L. Harris; Oct. 1, Dean Henry B. Washburn; Oct. 2, Professor W. C. Greene; Oct. 3, Professor J. H. Ropes; Oct. 4, Professor J. L. Coolidge; Oct. 6, Professor R. C. Cabot; Oct. 7, Professor E. K. Rand; Oct. 8, Dean A. C. Hanford; Oct. 9, Mr. Delmar Leighton; Oct. 10, Professor Edward A. Whitney; Oct. 11, Professor A. N. Holcombe.

Oct. 13-18, Rev. Frederick M. Eliot; Oct. 20-24, Rev. Frederick M. Eliot; Oct. 25, Rev. Thomas L. Harris; Oct 27-31 and Nov. 1, Very Rev. Philemon F. Sturges; Nov. 3-8, Dean Willard L. Sperry; Nov. 10-15, Rev. Charles E. Park; Nov. 17-22, Rev. Charles R. Brown; Nov. 24, 25, Rev.
