
Westward Look, the Land is Bright


Now that final exams are on the waning half a bored student body is exercising its ingenuity to the fullest extent in finding many forms of recreation to relieve its mind from the tediousness of the long struggle of preparation for the final barrier.

We venture to say that at no other time during the year is there so much bridge playing, golfing, tennis, movie going, and whatnot as there is at this time of the year. And why?

Psychologists might tell us that the younger generation is becoming neurotic, that they can't sit still for a long stretch of studying without some break of a recreational sort; instructors of the old school will claim the present day student has become lazy through easy curricula, and most students will rationalize their action by believing that recreation will freshen their minds and build up a physical reserve for their wrist to be used in the three-hour penmanship and memory contest.

Thus the students bend their efforts to inventing all sorts of asinine diversions to keep their minds free from any contaminating book knowledge that might interfere with their word slinging exercises in which they patiently scrawl out words and phrases to fill more than one examination book, wherein possible.

We venture to guess that those who are the most fervent believers in this preparation will make up the majority of those who will shortly become "exes."


Freshmen and other beginners will do well to note the action of those who have ben around here for some time and who can show better than a gentleman's average. It is derisively called "cramming" by some, but to the knowing it is a thorough review of the backgrounding that the course in general has presented and the "nailing down" of the most valuable specific points.

It seems not too much to ask that the student buckle down to some concentrated effort for one week, his effort that one week probably determining to some extent what his entire future may be. --Daily Illini.
