With a course of four weeks duration instead of six as in former years, the Special Summer Session of the Harvard Business School will open on Tuesday, July 1, and will close with the final examinations on July 31.
In this session, which is held for Business Executives, courses will be offered in Finance, the Interpretation of Financial Statements, Manufacturing Policies. Public Utility Management and Economics, Railway Transportation, and Sales Management. The course in Retail Distribution and Store Management which was to be given has been dropped from the schedule, however.
This summer's will be the third annual session, and has been cut down to four weeks as a matter of convenience to numerous business men who felt that the six weeks period of last summer was slightly too long, and requested that it be shortened.
Fewer Expected this Year
It is expected that there will not be as many in attendance this summer as there were last, when about 250 men took courses there. So far this year, there have been about 135 applications, and the total is not expected to go much over 150 for this session. Admission to the Special Session ordinarily will be limited to executives holding responsible positions in business and to those engaged in teaching business administration or economic subjects. Other men will be admitted if they are actively engaged in business, provided their qualifications and business experience are approved. It will be necessary to take part in the discussions in order to obtain the full benefit from the work, and therefore it is essential that applicants should have such experience and background as will enable them to take an active part in the classroom debates. In each course the number will be limited to a figure which, in the experience of the school and of the instructors, seems most desirable from the viewpoint of the student.
Actual business problems will furnish the basis for discussion in all courses, and the aim of each course will be to help those attending to deduce underlying economic and business principles from the daily experience of business.
Ebersole to Teach
C. E. Fraser, associate professor of Finance will not assist Professor A. S. Dewing in the course in Finance this summer and his place will be filled by Professor John Franklin Ebersole. Professor Ebersole came from the United States Treasury Department at mid-years to give a second half-year course in Bank Operations. While in Washington he was Economic Adviser and Chief of the Section of Financial and Economic Research.
Associate Professor R. G. Walker, with Professor W. M. Cole '90 and Assistant Professor A. W. Hanson '12 will repeat the course in the Interpretation of Financial Statements which was given for the first time in the Special Summer Session last year. The success of this course last summer encouraged Professor Walker to give it for the first time in the Business School in the second half of this year. The purpose of the course is to afford the student practice in reading between the lines of accounting reports and in working out an effective correlation of financial and operation data which those reports place at the reader's disposal.
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