Red Top, Conn., June 4--F. F. Colloredo-Mansfeld '32, Sophomore stroke, will not row in the Crimson University boat the rest of the week, because of a recurrence of trouble with boils, it was announced today by Coach Whiteside. During Colloredo's absence from the shell, his place will be taken by T. E. Armstrong '32, who has been stroking the Jayvee eight since the most recent shakeup in the crews.
Stroke Temporarily Out
On the advice of Dr. Edward Harding '11, physician in attendance on the crews at Red Top, Coach Whiteside decided it would be better to give his regular stroke a chance to recover completely from the trouble which has interfered with his rowing intermittently during the season. It is hoped that by the end of the week he will be able to take his place in the shell again.
Armstrong, who has been at the stroke position in the Jayvee boat only two weeks, has rowed before in the first shell. In the final practice on the Charles before the squad left for the training quarters here, he took Colloredo's place for the latter half of the last workout when Coach Whiteside saw that, in his condition, rowing was proving uncomfortable.
Parker Promoted
A. H. Parker Jr. '32, recently picked to stroke the combination, was promoted temporarily to that seat in the Jayvees; John Lawrence '31 arrived from Boston today to take the place vacated by Parker in the combination.
Despite the change in seating, both crews were going well this afternoon, and Coach Whiteside sent them through a ten mile paddle. This workout had been preceded by one of eight miles in the morning.
Coach Haines' Freshmen, the only boatload which has remained intact since their arrival here, covered the two mile course, the distance they will race in the Yale regatta, his afternoon.
The chief interest ashore is in croquet; Captain Dickey and Coach Whiteside claim, unofficially, the camp championship, but are frequently defeated.
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