Red Top, Conn., June 2,--The Crimson practice season on the Thames began this afternoon when the four University rights which arrived here late yesterday took to the water for the first time. Good weather conditions favored the Harvard oarsmen in their first workout on the river, and should they prevail, Coach Whiteside will be able to put his charges through their paces unhindered by bad weather, a factor which bulks large in the short time which remains before Harvard and Yale meet on June 20.
The University eight paddled over the four mile course during the afternoon in a preliminary workout designed to get the oarsmen accustomed to their new surroundings more than anything else. The seating which stood before the crew's departure for Red Top remained in order, Captain Dickey at number three and Sturges at bow, as shifted there by Coach Whiteside last Wednesday. Colloredo-Mannsfeld, Sophomore stroke who it was feared would be unable to take his usual seat when practice was inaugurated at the Connecticut quarters because of a minor ailment, was in his place when the shell left the float.
During the first few days of rowing here Coach Whiteside does not anticipate any changes in the University and Jayvee seatings. In the time which the oarsmen of the two boats will require to acclimate themselves he will devote himself to details in the individual performances of his sweep-swingers, before any alterations in the arrangements of the boats are made. Tomorrow's practice will probably be no more strenuous than today's, the Crimson mentor preferring to increase the difficulty of the workouts gradually.
The Yale crews, which reached Gale's Ferry a week ago, have been rowing on the Thames several days before the Crimson eights arrived. Before the week is out the two University boats, Eli and Harvard, may brush in practice, although no actual pre-arranged meeting between the shells will take place. For years in the past the rival eights have been meeting by chance as they rowed on the Thames, furnishing some interesting pre-race comparisons. Meetings of this sort, although they may furnish little advance information on the genuine regatta of late June, add interest to the long grind of practice in the two camps.
The seatings of the two University boats are as follows:
University--stroke, Collorodo-Mannsfeld; 7, Erickson; 6, Webster; 5, Johnson; 4, Hallowell; 3, Dickey; 2, Swaim; bow, Sturges; coxswain, Stebbins.
Jayvees--stroke, Armstrong; 7, Buckley; 6, Donaldson; 5, Veeder; 4, Hovey; 3, Robinson; 2, McKesson; bow, Page: coxswain, Holmes.
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