

The announcement that a board had been appointed to investigate the entire Harvard employment situation sounds the knell of a stalking ghost of scandal that has haunted the respectable corridors of Lehman Hall for nearly an entire semester. Such an announcement made sooner might have avoided much that was unpleasant and unnecessary, but it is not for a mere mortal agency to question the motions of the spheres. The consolation that something is actually to be done effaces some of the scandal even if it does leave the blot of mismanaged press relations still in a conspicuous foreground.

Such a board, employed as a professional adviser, is a necessity in any institution as large as Harvard University, and it is extremely unfortunate that it was not formed long before. But a regret for what should have been done is futile, and besides this action should call forth only pleasure as it should safe guard our publicity department and at the same time make it certain whether or not Harvard employment is as fair as it pretends to be. After this investigation is finished there can be some assurance that the methods used by the University towards its employees is just and also that Harvard's reputation in the press will not meet with another such strain from the odoriferous Scrub Women affair. At least one sore is healed.
