


Reginald Henry Phelps of Southwick, Massachusetts, is announced as the holder of the Henry Russell Shaw Travelling Fellowship, the highest award to a member of the Senior Class at Harvard. At the same time it was announced that Otto Eugene Schoen-Rene of New York City would hold the Lionel de Jersey Harvard Studentship at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Five high-ranking seniors were the recipients of Sheldon Travelling Fellowships for the coming year, and one travelling scholarship for the coming summer was awarded.

Phelps is First Marshal of Phi Beta Kappa, first scholar in his class, and a former Editorial Chairman of the Harvard CRIMSON. He receives the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; his work has been done in the field of German Literature.

Schoen-Rene is the Class Odist, tied for the position of third scholar in his class, and is the former Pegasus of the Harvard Advocate. He receives the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude; his work has been done in the field of English Literature.

The five holders of Sheldon Travelling Fellowships, which enable the recipients to spend a year in foreign travel, are: Frank McMinn Chambers, of Port Arthur, Texas, Summa Cum Laude in Romance Languages; Albert Gallord Hart 2d, White Plains, New York, Summa Cum Laude in Economics; Franklin Haase Kissner, Bethlehem, Pa., Summa Cum Laude in English; John Chester Miller, Tacoma, Washington, Summa Cum Laude in History and Literature; John Frank Wood, Chester, Pa., Summa Cum Laude in History, and winner of the Washburn Prize for the best thesis in history.

A summer studentship, to enable its holder to travel abroad, is awarded to Spencer Brown, of Hartford, Connecticut, who receives his degree of A.B., Summa Cum Laude in English.
