

Lest certain citizens be somewhat startled at the information that the University Film Foundation has completed a moving picture of Massachusetts, it might be well to explain that this is a figure of speech only, and that the foundations of the state are apparently as sound as ever. But neither need this be a source of disappointment to the more sensational minded, for even if the stern New England rocks do not achieve positive animation, the film is of sufficient interest to warrant considerable attention.

Besides the obvious value as amusement of such a novelty, it is noteworthy that Professor Hart has considered the project of sufficient educational value to devote a considerable portion of his time to one of the leading roles, so to speak, of the production. Just to what extent the influence of the movies may be felt on the future of education is purely a matter of conjecture, but it affords an interesting field for speculation nevertheless. Here is an eight reel moving picture which gives a fairly complete account of the entire development of the state of Massachusetts, and in a manner certainly more graphic than would be a series of lectures on the same subject. Will the college professor of the future be obliged to appear on the screen as well as the lecture platform? It is hard to say, but were such a thing to happen, the present generation of students would have even more splendid opportunities than their fathers of saying. "Things were different in my day."
