

Tennis is the most popular Spring sport at Harvard. There is, however, a continual shortage of courts, which is aggravated for Harvard men by the large number of outside players allowed to use them. Members of the University are, indeed, given a certain degree of preference at Jarvis and Divinity fields, but with the exception of a few afternoons each week, it seems that anybody may use the courts on Soldiers Field or behind the Business School. A convenient solution to the problem would be a policy of enlightened selfishness.

It, is undesirable that non-Harvard players should be refused admittance to the courts or that the University should adopt a "dog-in-the-manger" attitude. But, especially since, tennis is one of the few sports for which a charge is made. Harvard men should certainly have preference to Harvard courts. To carry out this program, an arrangement might be made allowing outsiders to fill in any vacancies a few minutes after the hour. Harvard favors "athletics for all," and tennis should not, through lack of facilities, hamper this policy.
