

MacHale, Idle Since Villanova Clash, May be Harvard Pitcher--Lineup is Best of Season

HARVARD  BROWN Bassett, r.f.  s.s., Harriss Nugent, 2b.  c.f., Sylvonen McGrath, 1b.  r.f., Moulton Ticknor, c.f.  l.f., Freedman Wood, s.s.  3b., McGinn Des Roches, 3b.  1b., Caulkins Lupien, l.f.  2b., Crane Fincke, c.  c., Chaiklin MacHale, p.  p., Sondheim

The reorganized Harvard baseball team that scored a surprise but overdue victory over Dartmouth last Saturday will take the field this afternoon against a Brown team that has nothing but a mediocre record behind it. Umpire Stafford will call play at 4 o'clock.

Harvard should win the game by a comfortable margin and although the Providence team will send its ace, Sondheim, to the mound the Crimson batters, who are slowly recovering their lost batting eye, should nick him for enough runs to produce a victory.

It is about MacHale's turn to pitch again and every indication seems to point that he will. The sorrel-thatched hurler worked a little more than one inning of the abbreviated Villanova clash in his last workout. He probably will work on Saturday again when the diamond forces are in Syracuse for their second game of the year with the Orange. This leaves Devens free to pitch the revenge game against the Pennsylvania team in Philadelphia on Friday.

The nine that Coach Mitchell will put on the field against the Bruins this afternoon is the best one that has represented Harvard all season. The new infield has worked out to perfection and the outfield with the addition of Lupien is a hard-hitting trio. Lupien has finally come around after a rather shaky start and he has been hitting in the last two games at a clip that approaches his terrific pace of last year.
