

Entries for Dante, Sumner, and Bennett Prizes Must be Submitted to Proper Authorities

Essays which are to be submitted in competition for the Dante, Sumner, and Bennett Prizes must be turned in to the proper authorities by today at the very latest.

The first of these awards is offered by the Dante Society, consists of $200 and is given for the best essay by a student in any department of the University or by a graduate of not more than three years standing, on a subject drawn from the life or works of the poet. The competition is not limited to members of Harvard it is open to students and graduates of similar standing in all United States colleges and universities.

The Sumner Prize, the gift of Senator Charles Sumner '30, is likewise open to any student of the University, and is offered for the best dissertation on a subject connected with the topic of universal peace. The prize amounts

to $100.

Also in the field of political science, the prize of $100 from a fund established by the late J. G. Bennett is given annually to the best essay on some subject of American governmental policy, domestic or foreign, of contemporaneous interest
