

Philadelphia Service Group Appearing Here Saturday are Rated Among Strongest in East

Manager T. L. Jarman 1G. of the Harvard rugby team, announced last night that arrangements had been completed for a game at Soldiers Field on Saturday with the rugby team from the United States Marine Corps Barracks at the Philadelphia Navy Yard.

The game will be played on the Freshman field inside Soldiers Field and will be an added attraction to a leavy athletic schedule at the University that day.

The Marines have one of the strongest teams in the East, and while Jarman expects that they may prove too strong for Harvard he feels that a contest at Cambridge will do much to stimulate interest in the sport.

The Harvard rugby team was defeated by Yale at New Haven 11-0 Saturday. Harvard was superior in the time-outs, but Yale excelled in the scrums.

With the game arranged, Jarman was searching last night for a referee for the contest and will welcome any enthusiast who is qualified to referee a rugby game, who will communicate with him at 24 Massachusetts Hall.
