

Mitchell Names Experienced Pitcher to Open Game--Fincke Will Start on Receiving End

HARVARD  NEW HAMPSHIRE Carver or Mays, 2b.  c.f., Hanna Nugent, s.s.  r.f., Smith McGrath, c.f.  2b., Tilton Wood, 1b.  3b., Redben Ticknor, l.f.  l.f., Horrigan Des Roches, 3b.  c., Shea Bassett, r.f.  1b., Dawson Fincke, c.  s.s., Small MacHale, p.  p., Lord

The University of New Hampshire baseball team will be the opponent of Harvard this afternoon at 4 o'clock on the Soldiers Field diamond. Five members of the nine were on the team which the Crimson defeated last year by the score of 5 to 1.

Coach Henry Swasey has picked Lord to start on the mound for New Hampshire. Lord pitched last year's game and held Harvard to eight hits, of which three were bunched in the first inning to put the Crimson in the lead. Hanna, Tilton, Redben, and Shea are the other veterans.

Wildcats Defeated Worcester Tech

The Wildcats, having started their season late, have seen action in only one game in which they were defeated by Worcester Tech to the tune of 8 to 4. Bad weather hindered their practice before this game, however, so it is expected that a better developed outfit will take the field today than faced Worcester in Saturday's opener.


For Harvard, Coach Mitchell has chosen MacHale to assume the pitching burden. Devens and Page who split the work in Tuesday's game will be held in reserve. Devens will probably get the assignment for Saturday's game with Syracuse.

On the receiving end, Fincke will begin the game today. In the Colby engagement a tipped ball fractured Batchelder's index finger, an injury that will keep him out of action temporarily. Since Rex is also on the injured list with a similar injury. J. E. Sheldon '32 has been moved up from the seconds and will be ready for re-

lief duty.

In all probably. Mays, who was kept out of the game Tuesday because of an eye infection, will not be ready to take his usual place at second today. In case of his absence. Carver will again start the game in that position

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