

Sixteen Army and Seven Privately Owned Mounts in Use--Three of 1929 Team are Back

Spring polo at Harvard for this year was formally opened yesterday at a meeting of candidates for the University and Freshman teams, at which time plans for the coming season were announced.

In time for the first practice, to be held at the Myopia Hunt Club on Saturday, 16 army ponies and seven privately owned mounts will be shipped to Hamilton during the course of the week. Spring practice will be held at Myopia three days a week for the combined squads, and will consist of intersquad encounters as well as games with the Myopia team.

A week before the Intercollegiate, which are scheduled to be held at Rumson, New Jersey, from June 14 to 23, the polo teams will spend the time at West wood, in a final practice session. Besides the New Jersey games, the Harvard team has a game with Yale on May 24, and one with Army on May 30.

Three veterans have reported for another season on the University team. The eligibility of Captain E. T. Gerry '31 will be determined by an examination which he has just taken; E. K. Jenkins '31 and H. I. Nicholas '31 will be aided by Crispin Cooke '32, W. F. Luton '32, and N. W. Kimball '32, members of last year's Freshman team.
