Monday, May 5
9.15 to 1.15 o'clock: History, Government, Economics (General), New Lecture Hall; History and Literature (Final General Examination and Qualifying Examination, for Juniors, candidates for Honors), New Lecture Hall.
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: English Literature, Memorial Hall; History of Philosophy and General Psychology, Emerson J; Latin Composition (Latin 3 and 7), Emerson J.
9.15 to 11.15 o'clock: Social Ethics (Allied Fields of Economics, Philosophy, and Psychology), Emerson J.
Tuesday, May 6
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: History, Government, Economics (Departmental), Memorial Hall; German, French, Spanish, and Italian Literatures, Emerson D; Systematic Philosophy and Special Psychological Topics, Emerson D; Social Ethics (essay), Emerson D; Greek Composition (Greek 3 and 7), Emerson D; Anthropology (written), Peabody Museum.
Wednesday, May 7
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: Social Ethics (topical), Emerson J; Special Philosophical Works, Emerson J; Literature, Ancient Authors (Honors), Emerson J; Greek Translation (Honors), Sever 25.
9.15 to 10.45 o'clock: Fine Arts (written, with slides), Small Fogg Lecture Room.
Thursday, May 8
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: History, Government, Economics (Special), Memorial Hall; Latin Translation (Honors), Sever 25; Literature, Modern Authors (Honors), Sever 35; Geology (written), Sever 35; Bio-Chemical Sciences (written) Sever 35.
9 to 12 o'clock: Anthropology (oral), Peabody Museum.
2 to 4 o'clock: Anthropology (oral), Peabody Museum.
Friday, May 9
9.15 to 11.15 o'clock: Greek Literature, Sever 25.
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: Bio-Chemical Sciences (written), Sever 35.
9 to 12 o'clock: Anthropology (oral), Peabody Museum.
2 to 4 o'clock: Anthropology (oral), Peabody Museum.
Friday, May 9
9.15 to 11.15 o'clock: Greek Literature, Sever 25.
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: Bio-Chemical Sciences (written), Sever 35.
9.15 to 1.15 o'clock: Fine Arts (General), Small Fogg Lecture Room.
Saturday, May 10
9.15 to 11.15 o'clock: Latin Literature, Sever 25.
Monday, May 12
9.15 to 12 o'clock: Social Ethics (oral), Emerson L.
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: Biology (General), Zoological Museum; Mathematics (written), Sever 11.
Tuesday, May 13
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: Biology (General), Zoological Museum; Mathematics (written), Sever 11; Chinese (General), Sever 11.
Wednesday, May 14
2 o'clock: Semitic Languages and History, Semitic Museum 3.
Friday, May 16
2 to 5 o'clock: Music (Harmony and Counterpoint), Music Building.
Saturday, May 17
2 to 5 o'clock: Music (Fugue), Music Building.
Monday, May 19
2 to 5 o'clock: Music (Orchestration), Music Building.
Wednesday, May 21
2 to 5 o'clock: Music (History and Appreciation), Music Building.
The results of the General Examinations will be made known by the Departments and Divisions on approximately the following dates:
Ancient and Modern Languages, May 26, Anthropology, May 14: Bio-Chemical Sciences, May 26: Biology, May 23: Classics (Honors), May 27: Fine Arts, May 28: Geology, May 18: History, Government, and Economics, June 5: History and Literature, May 24: Literature, May 26: Music, May 26: Philosophy and Psychology, May 26: Semitie, May 19: Social Ethics, May 15.
Students concentrating in fields not listed above should make inquiries at the office of the Department concerned.
The cuts taken on the days of General Examinations by students who are taking those examinations are entered at the Office as excused, but no notice is sent to the instructor. If you have missed written work, or for any other reason wish to present an excuse to the instructor, please report at once at University 4 and obtain at the information Desk an excuse card to present to the instructor.
Students will not be excused from written work unless those rules are followed.
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1916 and 1917 Debaters Selected