Monday, May 5
9.15 to 1.15 o'clock: History, Government, Economics (General), New Lecture Hall; History and Literature (Final General Examination and Qualifying Examination, for Juniors, candidates for Honors), New Lecture Hall.
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: English Literature, Memorial Hall; History of Philosophy and General Psychology, Emerson J; Latin Composition (Latin 3 and 7), Emerson J.
9.15 to 11.15 o'clock: Social Ethics (Allied Fields of Economics, Philosophy, and Psychology), Emerson J.
Tuesday, May 6
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: History, Government, Economics (Departmental), Memorial Hall; German, French, Spanish, and Italian Literatures, Emerson D; Systematic Philosophy and Special Psychological Topics, Emerson D; Social Ethics (essay), Emerson D; Greek Composition (Greek 3 and 7), Emerson D; Anthropology (written), Peabody Museum.
Wednesday, May 7
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: Social Ethics (topical), Emerson J; Special Philosophical Works, Emerson J; Literature, Ancient Authors (Honors), Emerson J; Greek Translation (Honors), Sever 25.
9.15 to 10.45 o'clock: Fine Arts (written, with slides), Small Fogg Lecture Room.
Thursday, May 8
9.15 to 12.15 o'clock: History, Government, Economics (Special), Memorial Hall; Latin Translation (Honors), Sever 25; Literature, Modern Authors (Honors), Sever 35; Geology (written), Sever 35; Bio-Chemical Sciences (written) Sever 35.
9 to 12 o'clock: Anthropology (oral), Peabody Museum.
2 to 4 o'clock: Anthropology (oral), Peabody Museum.
Friday, May 9
9.15 to 11.15 o'clock: Greek Literature, Sever 25.
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1916 and 1917 Debaters Selected