Chambermaids in the student dormitories at Yale are treated even more poorly than were the twenty scrubwomen discharged recently at Harvard, a Yale senior charged in a letter to "The Yale Daily News," printed today. The Harvard scrubwomen were discharged when the Massachusetts Minimum Wage Scale Commission insisted that they should receive not less than 37 cent an hour, in stead of the 35 cents paid to them.
The correspondent of the Yale newspaper said chambermaids in dormitories received $8.75 a week, or slightly more than 25 cents an hour. His letter follows:
"To the chairman of 'The News': Now that the Harvard house-cleaning affair has faded from the public notice, and the scrubwomen have been safely objected, I think it is time that Yale consider a certain kindred situation. The maids in the dormitories here receive $8.75 a week. They work from 8 to 1 on week days and from 9 to 1 on Sundays, so that their average is slightly more than 25 cents an hour. (It is surprising how well off the Harvard scrubwomen were.)
"Of course, these women have a certain uncertain income from tips at Christmas and in June, but it is doubtful if this would raise the average wage more than a cent or two. Again, it might be pointed out that women in New Haven shops and factories often earn less than this, but this is a very slender apology for the university's policy.
"I should prefer not to send in an anonymous communication, but having had four years' dealings with the university service bureau, I have no desire to expose any of the maids to their unjust wrath. Therefore, if you care to print this communication, please sign it with my class numerals alone. Sincerely yours. "1930."
Yale authorities, declined to comment. N. Y. Herald Tribune.
(Ed. Note--According to the data available to the CRIMSON, Harvard's chambermaids are paid 32 cent an hour, 5 cents more than at Yale, and 5 cents less than the scrubwomen receive.)
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