Thirteen travelling fellowships for the year 1930-31 and 13 others for the coming summer, totaling $29,250 in value, have been awarded to graduate students at Harvard, it was announced at University Hall Saturday. At the some time the names of five recipients of graduate fellowships for study at Harvard were made known.
Dr. Alexander Marble, teaching fellow in Medicine at the Harvard Medical school, was awarded the William O. Moseley Jr. Travelling Fellowship for the coming year. Twelve holders of Sheldon travelling fellowships for the year 1930-31 and four holders of these fellowships for this summer were announced as follows: for 1930-31--A. E. Currier 3G, G. L. Day 4G, Edward Dumbauld gr.L,. P. S. Harris 2G, W. J. Huchthausen 2S.A., W. K. Jordan 2G, R. L. Kilgour Instr., J. C. McGalliard 2G, D. W. MacKinnon 4G, E. S. Robinson 3G, B. T. Silverstein 4G, W. L. Wiley 4G; for the summer of 1930--J. B. Crane Instr.; D. M. Erb 3G; C. E. Keeler research fellow; J. P. Wernette 4G.
Charles Dexter scholarships, enabling the recipient to travel in England during the summer and pursue the study of English Literature, were given to the following: Dr. H. W. Taeusch Inst., Dr. W. P. Jones Instr., G. W. Brace Instr., H. P. Vincent 3G, B. M. Wagner 4G. H. O. White 3G, W. D. Templeman 3G, C. K. Hyder 4G, J. R. Bowman 4G.
M. Charles Pequignat, of the University of Strasbourg, will come to Harvard next September as holder of the Victor Emmanuel Chapman Memorial Fellowship. The Research Fellowship in Jewish Literature and Philosophy will be held by Samuel Kurland '25, of Boston, who held that fellowship last year.
The Parker Fellowships for the year 1930-31 have been awarded to three students of physiology. Two, at present, are instructors in Physiology at Harvard and the third is coming to the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. They are M. I. Gregersen, Hudson Hoagland, and Pei-sung Tang.
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