
The Student Vagabond

Disguised in a coffee-coloured suit and a pair of horn-rimmed spectacles, the Vagabond will emerge from his Lowell House construction shake this morning for the first time in several days. Having obtained a Boston censorship list, he has been busily lining his corrugated iron den with the best of modern and classical authors in preparation for the Reading Period. However, his eager Public need not be alarmed; for, every other evening if the weather is good, he will furtively make his way through the dark Spring twilight, sidle along empty streets and longingly peer into dormitories crammed with busy little brains. His resultant comment upon life and letters may possibly splash into this column.

In the meantime, being a misogynist and rather shy, he remains absorbed in his rhododendrons, which are sprouting undaunted beneath the new skyscrapers. As to said rhododendrons: in order to be sure that their colors will not differ in the slightest degree from that of the interior of the new Houses, he has carefully prepared a suitable quantity of the Right Sort of paint for their emergent petals. This goes to show that, after all is said and done, the little fellow is indeed a staunch friend of the Corporation.

In spite of this horticultural vagary, the Vagabond has confided that today he may find an hour or two for the Great World. From rhododendrons he will proceed at noon to the Anglo-French Entente as set forth by Professor Langer. The following lectures and lecturers may also find him in an inconspicuous rear seat this morning:


9 o'clock


"Culture of the Later Empire", Mr. Hammond, Sever 18.

10 o'clock

"Judicial Review of the Constitutionality of Legislation", Professor Holcombe, Harvard 5.

11 o'clock

"Late Italian and Spanish Rennaissance Painting", Professor Edgell, New Fogg Large Lecture Room.
