
The Student Vagabond


9 o'clock

"The Later Empire", Mr Hammond, Sever 18.

10 o'clock

"Judicial Review of Constitutionality of Legislation", Professor Holcombe, Harvard 5.


11 o'clock

"Venetian Painting". Professor Edgell, Fogg Large Lecture Room.

12 o'clock

"Michael Angelo", Professor Post, Fogg Small Lecture Room.


10 o'clock

"The Rehewal of the Communist Drive in Russia", Mr. Karpovich, Sever 25.

"Senses and the Human Eye", Dr. Crawford, Jefferson Physical Laboratory 1.

"The Poetry of Rilke and George". Professor Burkhard. Germanic Museum 1.

"Le Theatre apres Professor Mortze, Harvard 6

11 o'clock

"German Literature Since 1900". Professor Burkhard, Germanic Museum 1.

"Catholic Reformation". Professor Merriman, Emerson J.

"Class influence in 16th Century English Satire", Professor Peterkin Sever 13.

12 o'clock

"Growth of the British Empire", Professor Whitney, Harvard 2.
