

Meets Maine Academy Group on Soldiers Field at 4 O'Clock--Seconds Hindered by Lack of Practice

HARVARD  BRIDGTON Kutzer or Dudley, 2b.  1b., Trainor O'Neil or Bell, s.s.  3b., Sharkey Ketchum, 3b.  c.f., Graham Crehan, 1b.  s.s., McShane Gleason, r.f.  8b., Corbett Sprague, c.f.  r.f., Kirvan Belknap or Des Roches, l.f.  l.f., Comparato Sheldon or Armstrong c.  c., Keenan Tobe, White, or Wylie, p.  p., Ferrassi

Weather permitting, the Harvard second baseball team will take the field against the Bridgton Academy nine this afternoon in its second game of the season. The encounter is scheduled to start at 4 o'clock and will be played on the second team diamond on Soldiers Field.

Cold weather has hampered the seconds this week just as it has the University team and Coach Hal Jauvrin has staged only abbreviated workouts since Monday, when his charges romped over the Cambridge Latin team. In that game the seconds only outhit their opponents by two singles but they coupled a large number of Cantabrigian errors with an even greater number of walks and came off the field on the long end of a 15 to 0 count.

Either Tobe or White is the likely pitcher today with Wylte a possibility Sheldon will in all probability be behind the bat, with Armstrong in reserve. White and Sheldon were the second string battery on the Freshman team last years Sheldon donning the mask when not playing first base.
