New York, April 23--No immediate action to pay the scrubwomen their allegedly due back wages is being contemplated by the Alumni group which protested to the University authorities last month, Corliss Lamont '24, leader of the movement, told the CRIMSON last night.
"The announcement made in the press earlier in the week was mostly news to me," Lamont told a CRIMSON reporter. "I never made public any of our plans, and while it is perfectly true that we shall doubtless go ahead with our scheme of raising a fund to pay the scrubwomen the money which we feel is due them, still absolutely nothing definite has been done yet. The letter of appeal to Alumni, which press reports said had already been sent out, has not even been written, and no committees to handle the various aspects of the collection of the funds and so forth have been formed. We do not expect to do anything definite until the first of the month at the earliest."
Lamont also denied that an undergraduate committee to work under his direction had been formed. "If there is any undergraduate movement," he said, "it will be entirely independent of what we are doing among the graduates. The idea of my directing the activities of a student committee is quite fantastic; I can't imagine where it originated."
"Furthermore," he continued, "I was entirely surprised to learn that we had set the figure $5,6000 as our aim. We have no definite sum in mind, and it is not likely that we shall until we see what the response to our appeal is."
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