
The Student Vagabond


9 o'clock

"The Church Triumphant", Mr. Hammond, Sever 18.

10 o'clock

"Politics in Central America". Professor Haring, Harvard 3.


"Judicial Control of Administrative Discretion". Professor Holcombe, Harvard 5.

11 o'clock

"The United States as a Neutral". Professor Baxter, New Lecture Hall.

12 o'clock

"Romanticism: Schubert, Schuman, Mendelssohn, and Weber". Professor Hill, Music Building.

"The Powers in the Far East". Professor Langer, Harvard 6


10 o'clock

"Realisme et Naturalisme". Professor Morize, Harvard 6.

"The Poetry of Nietzsche and Hofmannsthal". Professor Burkhard, Germanie Museum 1.

11 o'clock

"Demonstration of Music of the Renaissance and the Reformation". Professor Davison with University Choir, Appleton Chapel.

"Stephen Crane and Jack London". Professor Murdock, Sever 11
