The "Hardwicks and the Mahans", the two divisions of the Harvard Spring football squad will play the second game of their abbreviated practice season this afternoon when they mingie on the Soldiers Field gridiron at three o'clock. The two teams played last Friday and the Hardwicks emerged the victor, 7 to 6.
Both divisions have now had two and a half weeks of fundamentals and plays and have advanced to a stage where they will be well ready to shirt the Fall grind the September 15. Coach Horween returned last Saturday after having been absent the second week of practice and has been in full charge this week. He has been devoting his time to developing a new offense and together with Coach Casey has been giving special instructions in the lateral pass.
Every year the Spring practice has been Interspersed by individual kicking and passing competitions and these are to he held this year at the end of the week. Prizes in the form of medals and ribbons will be awarded to the best lateral passing combination, the best punter and dropkicker, the most alert pass receiver, and the linesman who comes out of the line the fastest. Last year A. W. Huguley '31, carried off the lion's share of the honors.
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