One hundred and twenty-five spectators of the University swimming championships, held yesterday afternoon in the new pool, saw representatives of the Class of 1983 demonstrate their superiority in the aquatic field. The first year natators won the inter-class relay, contributed three members to the winning team in the University relay, look first two places in the 100-yard free style, and all three places in the 50-yard free style. The outstanding performers of the meet were B. S. Wood '33, winner in the two free style swims; R. L. Vonckx '32, champion in the breast stroke; and W. S. deLima '31, winner in the 220-yard free style. Wood came within a second of Al. Schwartz's time of 54 seconds in the 100-yard free style at the Intercollegiate Meet.
The meet was directed by A. W. Samborski '26; H. S. Ulen, University swimming coach; R. B. Muir, swimming in-two minutes and 34 1-5 seconds.
50-yard free style--B. S. Wood '33. Addison Love '33, R. D. Fallon '33. Time--25 4-5 seconds.
The summary is as follows:
220-yard free style--W. S. deLima '31, E. K. Djerf 1L, H. A. Loeb 1L. Time--T. H. Jameson '33, Loeb. Time--55 seconds.
100-yard back stroke--E. K. Djerf 1L, H. deW. Wood '30, H. L. Lilienthal '30. Time--one minute and 15 seconds.
200-yard breast stroke--R. L. Vonckx '32, L. C. Perera 1GB, C. E. Stevens '32. Time--two minutes and 56 2-5 seconds.
Diving--J. S. Hartwell '32, 41.9; E. V. Keville '33, 39.0: O. D. Johnson '32, 37.8; D. C. Lewis '30, 35.
University Relay--First College team: H. deW. Wood '30, R. D. Fallon '33, Addison Love '33, B. S. Wood '33: Second College team: R. C. Whitman '33, J. S. Hartwell '32. T. R. Jameson '33, W. B. Stedman '33, Law School team: M. H. Miller 31. E. K. Djerf H. H. A. Loeb H. G. R. Kain Jr. H.
Inter-class relay 1933: Wood, W. B. Stedman, Fallon. Jameson: 1931: deLima, T. F. McGuane. W. L. Storey, H. D. Everett Jr.: 1932: Pierce Edmunds, Love, Hartwell, R. L. Lash Time one minute and 46 2-5 seconds.
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