

Eight Events on Calendar Which is Directed by Samborski--Pool Will Not be Open Until After Vacation

When entries had closed yesterday for the annual University swimming championships to be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon, it was found that upwards of 50 men had signified their intention of competing in the second official contest in the new Harvard pool.

The list of events in the meet, which will be directed by A. W. Samborski '26: H. S. Ulen. University swimming coach: and R. B. Muir, Harvard swimming instructor, is as follows:

1. 50-Yard swim. free style.

2. 220-Yard swim, free style.

3. Diving. Four required dives and four voluntary dives to be performed by each contestant.


4. 100-Yard back stroke.

5. 200-Yard breast stroke.

6. 100-Yard swim, free style.

7. Inter-Class relay four teams: one from each class.

8. University relay. This includes teams from the College, Business, Medical, and Law Schools, and graduates in the department of Arts and Sciences.

Pool to be Open After Vacation

Following the meet the pool will be closed until after vacation. From then until the end of the academic year it will be open to all members of the University daily except Sunday from 9 o'clock until 6 o'clock.

Although it is the policy of the Athletic Association to encourage participation in outdoor sports whenever possible, swimming will fill the requirements for Freshman physical training at all seasons, H. W. Clark '23, assistant director of athletics stated, Muir will be in the pool every day to give instruction in swimming. On Wednesday he will give the first installment of a ten-hour Red Cross life-saving course. The course will be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and is designed to equip men better for assuming duties as counsellors in camps during the summer. Last year 41 Seniors passed the tests and 13 licensed examiners in life-saving were created.
