After a survey of all the recent communistic demonstrations in many of the large cities of the nation, the unbiased observer comes to the conclusion that of the great number who come to see a good show only a few remain to pray. It is significant that as far as the Boston flasco was concerned, a large majority of the Great Army of the Unemployed were forced to return to work when one o'clock chimed the end of the lunch hour. The explanation may lie in the fact that out of the one hundred and twenty millions of people in the United States, only thirty-five thousand are full-blooded communists. Besides, a role, however small, in the mass of homogeneous humanity herded like-driven cattle from city hall to the canyons of city streets provides a release from the hum-drum routine of every day life. When the best of all possible worlds is achieved it surely will not lack dissenters.
He that fishes in the dark pool of national affairs finds many such riotous bubbles contemporary on the surface. Some day someone will pull out the fish, big or little, that causes them. If not sufficiently palatable for the frying pan, it will serve excellently well if stuffed for the national museum. Meanwhile the weather is moderately good, and patience as every complete angler, and very few policeman, know makes the biggest catch.
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